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Crushing Club Marketing Blog

Every week we'll bring you fresh content to help you take your marketing to the next level and feature stories of individuals who are crushing club marketing.


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Traffic vs. Conversion: Laser-Focused Marketing Tactics for Growth

Ultimately, we all need to drive more business — sales teams are always asking for more opportunities, and marketing needs to deliver. So, as a...

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The Pros and Cons of a Content Syndication

Marketers are always looking for new ways to reach more people, which is why content syndication sounds so attractive. Who wouldn’t want some extra...

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What I Learned as a Journalist: 4 Secrets to Powerful Storytelling for Business

Journalists are great storytellers. We have to understand storytelling just to get into the business, and once we’re hired, we get plenty of...

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Blogging is About Showcasing Your Thought Leadership

This may not come as a big surprise to you, but people buy from people. Yes, even though we’ve never been so technologically advanced and inundated...

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If They’re Not Interested, You’re Not Interesting

There are certain products and services that are just fun to market. But there are many more products and services that just aren’t, well, sexy. Does...

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3 Important Things to Nail Down Before You Start a Business Blog

Ask just about anyone with sound marketing judgment about the importance of blogging and you’ll get a pretty universal response. Do it, and do it...

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6 Signs that You Are the Used Car Salesmen of Digital Marketing

Consumer behavior has shifted. What troubles me, is that marketers have been aware of this shift for some time now, and some of us still fail to...

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Big Questions: What Makes a Story Newsworthy?

Have you ever noticed how often Time and Newsweek have the same cover stories? It's almost like they get together to compare notes, although we all...

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One Dangerous Mistake is Preventing Successful Buyer Persona Development

I see it all the time. Whether it’s a new HubSpot portal, a PDF document, or just in conversation, there seems to be one, universally dangerous...

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Why Authentic Content May Be The Only Way to Reach Millennial Shoppers

Did you know millennials now outnumber baby boomers and have become the largest generation in the U.S., representing more than a quarter of the...

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Winning Webinar Best Practices that Will Skyrocket Your Success [VIDEO]

Webinars are a great way to connect with your prospects online, but just like any marketing tactic, there are a lot of things that you need to...

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When Does It Make Sense to Outsource Content Marketing?

How long does it typically take you to write a 500-word blog post for your company? If your answer is less than an hour, congratulations! You're in...

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Uncover Your Company Stories Like a Veteran Reporter

Darcy Pohland was known for her ability to dig up stories like few other reporters in the Twin Cities television news market. Bound to a wheelchair...

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Stop Creating High-Level Fluffy Content That No One is Reading

It’s an ongoing problem: marketers and business leaders are creating content that isn’t thought through properly. It is too high level, too fluffy,...

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Editorial Meetings that Fuel Interesting Brand Stories

“We have too many meetings!” “We don’t have enough time.” “We’re understaffed.” These are a few of the reasons I hear to explain why marketing teams...

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Enhance Your Marketing Efforts with Journalistic Brand Content

Some of my fellow StoryTellers recently attended the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal’s event surrounding their annual 40 Under 40 publication,...

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How to Use Content Marketing to Grow Your Online Footprint

According to Mintel, 70 percent of American consumers shop online. That means more than 200 million people have access to your digital footprint. I’m...

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5 Hidden Risks of Creating Boring Content

Is there anything worse than bad TV? You know, the kind of show that sounds just good enough to watch, but once you tune in you can’t get off the...

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