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Kevin Page

Kevin Page is a former Account Strategist at StoryTeller Media + Communications. StoryTeller is an inbound marketing agency and video production company based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis. Kevin blogs about marketing strategy. Find him on Twitter @krpage91.

Smart Marketing: 7 Undeniable Benefits of Webinars for Businesses

In a world where marketing is almost 100% digital, your prospects and customers have ready access to information at all times. Gone are the days...

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5 Clever Ways to Leverage Existing Content to Maximize Lead Conversion

When it comes to inbound marketing, content is king. Inbound marketing is driven by the belief that every company has valuable content for any...

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Creating Lead Prioritization: How Lead Scoring Can Save Time & Money

"Efficiency is getting things done right, effectiveness is getting the right things done." - Peter Drucker [Tweet this] In business (and marketing),...

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Convert More Leads by Aligning Content to the Buyer Journey

As consumers, we're constantly bombarded by messages and advertisements telling us the new thing that we NEED to have in our lives – cars, insurance,...

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Subscribe Now: The 5 Best Marketing Podcasts Under 30 Minutes

In the fast-paced world of marketing, it's crucial to be connected with the latest ideas, trends and information. Subscribing to blogs can be a great...

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